Yes, I'm once again feeling sorry for myself from a business standpoint. The market is so fickle sometimes.
I'm working on some Halloween and fall-inspired dolls that, IMHO are my best work in a long time. Seriously thinking about doing Halloween year-round. Also seriously hoping Will is going to update my website, so I can sell my dolls there and on Pfatt Marketplace. Ebay almost always leaves me jaded, and I feel I end up paying an average of $5 each time I list a doll just so people can add it to their watch list. I wish ebay would let a seller view who the watchers are ;) ::snicker::
I'm working on a witch set that so far I'm really happy with, and I'll be sad to see it go... if it goes...bad Meg, be strong! And I created a miniature version of my usual pattern (miniature in my world is about 18", which is normal size to lots of people--power to the girls who can make round-headed dolls smaller than that). What folks don't seem to know or care about is that bigger doll=more material=more $$ to make, so I might do some little-er ones and hopefully not feel so bad if they sell for a song.
Off to spin new dolly ideas.....